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Oil Paintings on Canvas with Frames, good selection & prices in Pullman, Washington For Sale

Price: $99
Type: Furniture, For Sale - Private.

Nice selection of Oil and other paintings for sale. Oil paintings are on Canvas, many have really nice frames. Great for your home, office, home for sale staging.. etc.
Paris - 36"W x 24"H - $99
Van Gogh Sunflower ( Replica ) - 36"H x 24"W - $99
Piano - 36"W x 24"H - $99
Shadow Figures - 36W x 24"H - $99
African Girl - 36"H x24"W - $99
Clown - $29
Horse - $39
Egyption - $29
Snow Scenery - $29
Green Scenery - $29
Lighthouse - $49
Trumpet Players - 59
Pottery & Flag - $59
Flowers - $49
Fruits ( non oil ) - $39
Single Flower ( non oil ) - $29
There are some other paintings too. Basically in New / Excellent Condition. Buy a few and get a discount or buy All of them for and even bigger discount.
You are welcome to come by at my work location and see them anytime between:
10am-6pm Tue-Sun
or just call and set up a time.
Home Appliance Bargains
xxxx2 Bothell Everett Hwy, #1
Bothell, WA xxxx2
Please call 206-579-xxxx

State: Washington  City: Pullman  Category: Furniture
Furniture in Washington for sale

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